Backwaterman swimrun mění termín!
9 dubna, 2021
Ahoj všem,
v souvislosti s aktuálním děním jsme od kolegů z Rakouska dostali zprávu, že termín rakouského závodu Backwaterman swimrun se posouvá z června na víkend 17.-18. září 2021. Kompletní zprávu (v angličtině) si můžete přečíst níže.
„Dear athletes,
Due to the current Covid 19 situation in Europe and after announcing yesterday´s government decisions in Germany and Austria, extensive lockdowns and extensions of the restrictions well beyond Easter, we have the following updates:
The SwimRun event from 5/6 June will be postponed to 17/18 September.
For most athletes, specific swim training in April will not be possible. The organization can also only be carried out to a limited extent, among other things because we do not currently receive permits from authorities. Furthermore, and perhaps crucially, it is completely unclear whether and under what conditions travel activities will be possible at the beginning of June. This means that we cannot give our athletes or our quarters a reasonable sense of planning security.
The Open Water Event from July 2-4 will take place as planned. Until then, there is sufficient time to train exclusively in the Open Water. Vaccination on the one hand and economic necessities suggest a far-reaching possibility of travel by July at the latest.
We will report to you regularly regarding preventive activities..
Impact: in principle, all bookings at the SwimRun event will be moved to September. If this is not possible for you, please contact us. Where appropriate, priority is given to a postponement to 2022.
Despite this unpleasant situation, we wish you all health and soon improvement of the local situation,
we are looking forward to welcoming you from July in the Waldviertel.
for the organizer team